by Captain Skellett | Sep 19, 2010 | Just for Fun
Arr, it be talk like a pirate day, that most noble of holidays! Would ye like to know how to talk like a true buccaneer? Click through for a dictionary of piratitude! Here be me favourites: Barkeep! Grog! Barkeep! More grog! That’s all ye need know. Enough grog...
by Captain Skellett | Sep 18, 2010 | Just for Fun
Heads up and look sharp, for tomorrow be the best day of the year – talk like a pirate day! Don’t miss out, make sure yer talkin’ pirate from dawn ’till dusk and well into the night. No matter where ye are, at home, at a conference, shopping,...
by Captain Skellett | Aug 30, 2010 | Jibber Jabber
Ahoy there! Just a quick reminder that the most important day in the year is coming up – Talk like a Pirate Day! It’s on September 19, which this year is a Sunday. ‘Tis an excellent day for some serious pirate frivolity, particularly in a...