by Captain Skellett | Nov 30, 2012 | Uncategorized
We were 90% sure it was gone. At one point this week, we were 100% sure. Through an old e-mail address, a missed reminder to pay for server space, and a dash of travel confusion, the Schooner was deleted. Unfortunately, just a few days earlier, we’d also deleted...
by Captain Skellett | Sep 19, 2012 | Uncategorized
Arr, it be talk like a pirate day yet again! Be sure to get yer pirate talk on, mateys, and make the most of this special occasion! Sadly, there ain’t be much happenin’ in Lubeck, where I am on this fine day, but even without an official parrrty I will be...
by Captain Skellett | Apr 25, 2012 | Uncategorized
Who’d have thought it? A Schooner of Science turned three just the other day. They grow up so fast… Here in Seattle the tulips are blooming, spring is springing, and they are celebrating the 50th anniversary since the World Fair was held around the space...
by Captain Skellett | May 16, 2011 | Uncategorized
One major project the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be working on is first light, how light arose in the Universe. A quick recap on the SKA: It’s a radio telescope 10,000 times more powerful than current models. Made up of dishes linked to a data processing...
by Captain Skellett | Apr 1, 2011 | Uncategorized
Here are some notes gathered at the Inspiring Australia conference on how to write good science stories. This is all about public relations and writing a good media release. There wasn’t much about creating a narrative, or fact-based fiction work, or creative...
by Captain Skellett | Apr 16, 2010 | Just for Fun, Science at Home, Uncategorized
Back in the days before antibiotics, syphilis was a dreadful problem encountered on occasion by hapless sailors on shore leave bewitched by young maidens. Fortunately they could use their super-secret special handshake to detect syphilis. A demonstration is below,...