Welcome to a Schooner of Science, I be Captain Skellett. Me blog started in April 2009 when I was working full time and didn’t get a chance to talk science. Now I have changed jobs and talk science all the time, but that doesn’t stop me blogging. I also have a YouTube channel with videos featuring yours truly. My post called The Chemistry of Kissing was a semifinalist in the 3 Quarks Daily Prize in Science for 2010.
Me Writin’s
Me major interests are in biology and biochemistry, though I get into physics, chemistry and maths. Of course that doesn’t stop me writing about dinosaurs, zombies, creatures of the sea and anything else that grabs me. If there’s some burning topic you’d like to read about, please e-mail me. If you write a comment on a post, you’ll make my day.
Me Background
I graduated from a Bachelor of Science in 2007 with majors in chemistry and biochemistry. I’ve taken subjects in immunology and biology, as well as anthropology and classical mythology. I’m currently studying a diploma in science communication, and I’m both a scientist and a pirate. Don’t be surprised to see nautical terms and the odd “arr” in me posts. I can’t control that.
The Design
I’d like to thank TradeElixir for their amazing help designing and setting up this blog.
If ye have any questions or are in need of a freelance savvy science communicator, drop me an e-mail. Now take a look about me blog, and have a mug o’ grog while you read!
Cheers to ye,
Captain Skellett
Twitter: @CaptainSkellett
Facebook: A Schooner of Science