by Captain Skellett | Sep 30, 2010 | Unethics
In the immortal words of Marge “I brought you a tuna sandwich. They say it’s brain food. I guess because there’s so much dolphin in it, and you know how smart they are.” Dolphin safe tuna is for some of us environmental types a no-brainer like...
by Captain Skellett | Aug 27, 2010 | Drugs, Poisons, Sex and Reproduction, The Realm of Bizzare, Unethics
On August 15, 1951 a small town in southern France called Pont-Saint-Esprit briefly entered the twilight zone. Hundreds of people reported acute psychotic episodes and physical symptoms such as nausea. They experienced traumatic hallucinations, and 50 of those...
by Captain Skellett | Jan 12, 2010 | Science Communication, Unethics
When we work with cell lines in the lab, we often work with HeLa cells. They can live in a vial of nutrients, and from a small sample you can grow a large quantity to use in cancer research, in vitro fertilisation research, stem cell research, virus research, pretty...
by Captain Skellett | Jan 6, 2010 | Recent Research, Science at Home, Science Communication, Unethics
The deadly spoon, it makes a knife look tame by comparison. Indeed, only a meat cleaver attached to a hand beater is more dangerous. Being a lover of spoons (not literally thank you very much. I’m just fond of them, okay? Nothing wrong with that) I am skeptical...
by Captain Skellett | Jul 28, 2009 | Jibber Jabber, Unethics
I was reading New Scientist this weekend (nerdy, I know) and I came across this – genetic companies are offering personal genome scans. WTF. Essentially, you provide a saliva sample, and they provide you with a bunch of info about your genetics. Here are some...
by Captain Skellett | May 31, 2009 | Unethics
Nothing like going retro and playing a game or fifty of LEMMINGS!!! I squandered many an evening in my youth curled over a computer screen, thinking of ways to keep those suicidal wanderers alive while they walked carelessly towards cliffs. Some of the levels were so...