by Captain Skellett | Jan 2, 2011 | How Things Work, Science in the Movies
Happy New Year! On the first of January, I went to see The Tourist. It promised to be an excessively attractive movie starring Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, the two best heartthrobs on screen. I won’t spoil the plot, but I will say that one cool gadget graces...
by Captain Skellett | Dec 13, 2010 | How Things Work
Ahoy! Today’s Request a Post comes from Devil’s Snare, a Potter fan I’d wager. Devil’s Snare asks “what features will a person show if his pancreas is removed?” Ahh… woke up in a bathtub full of ice, did you? That’s...
by Captain Skellett | Nov 28, 2010 | How Things Work
Simultaneous is not simultaneous. Space and time do not exist. These, and other strange and wonderful things, are the hallmarks of Einsteins Theory of Relativity and what we’re talking about today. A few days ago I got Request a Post which read: ahoy there,...
by Captain Skellett | Oct 6, 2010 | How Things Work, Science Communication
The winners of this years Nobel Prize in Chemistry goes to Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki, for their work in palladium catalysed reactions. Ah, a subject close to my own heart! As a student of Molecular and Drug Design, we studied this shizz in...