by Captain Skellett | Dec 5, 2011 | Science Communication
On Friday I went to day three of the international barcode of life conference, which happened to be in my hometown of Adelaide, actually at the home of my undergrad – The University of Adelaide – how convenient! DNA barcoding matches a region of DNA to a...
by Captain Skellett | Apr 12, 2011 | Just for Fun, Science at Home
Having a party over the Easter break? Add some science with these party tricks. Sure to astound and amaze! My favourite is combining vinegar and bicarb, and pouring the resultant carbon dioxide over candles to extinguish them. I’m doing THAT at my next birthday...
by Captain Skellett | Nov 4, 2010 | Science Art
This art is made of film degraded by bacteria. It’s a self-portrait of the artist Erno-Eric Raitanen. The bacteria was harvested from his own body and cultivated on the gelatin surface of photographic film. It’s a similar process to growing bacteria on a...