by Captain Skellett | Nov 11, 2009 | Recent Research, Sex and Reproduction
I wasn’t going to do it. Really, I started on Tuesday, and then I thought to myself – Captain. Don’t do it. ‘Tis very silly, and we’re trying to run a professional pirate ship of science here. But in the end… well… it’s Reproduction Wednesday and this shit is GOLD! A...
by Captain Skellett | Sep 9, 2009 | Sex and Reproduction
About 15% of couples trying to conceive experience infertility. Possible causes are faulty ovulation, blocked tubes, old ova, swimmers which don’t swim, and erectile dysfuntion, to name just a few. Possible solutions run the full gambit from old wives tales to...
by Captain Skellett | Aug 7, 2009 | How Things Work, Recent Research
Yesterday I was at the pub, most sublime of settings for scientific debate, and had it put to me that within 10 – 20 years we would be able to grow hearts and other organs from stem cells and live forever. Imagine it – lung cancer? New lung please, hold...