by Captain Skellett | Jun 24, 2011 | Recent Research, Science Communication
One of the biggest dams in the world, Geheyan Dam in China holds more water than five Sydney Harbour’s, a massive 3.12 billion cubic metres worth. What would happen if it failed? Australian CSIRO scientists collaborated with China’s Satellite Surveying...
by Captain Skellett | Dec 3, 2010 | How Things Work, Recent Research, Science Communication, Sex and Reproduction
I’m a guest blogger for the RiAus, and this post also appeared on their fancy website. To tell the truth, I really wanted to call this post “Hormonally Yours” in homage to the Shakespeare Sisters (anyone?) but I’ll save it for another post. Recently I was...
by Captain Skellett | Jul 21, 2010 | How Things Work, Recent Research
Research published in June shows that nanoparticles from the English Ivy might make superior sunscreen to current brands, offering high broad spectrum protection and lasting for longer than current creams. The trend towards organics has influenced industries like...
by Captain Skellett | Jul 13, 2010 | Drugs, How Things Work, Recent Research, Science at Home
You’re at the doctors with a suspected infection, but instead of offering penicillin or erythromycin, they prescribe honey. Would you switch toast toppings? Take a honey pill? How about letting the doctor smear medical grade honey over the infected area? People...
by Captain Skellett | Jan 31, 2010 | How Things Work
Some sailors regard it with fear and amazement, others see it as an omen of things to come, but when I see St Elmo’s Fire burning on the masts above I am struck with curiousity for this most bizarre natural phenomenon. St Elmo’s Fire appears as a blueish...