by Captain Skellett | Nov 12, 2010 | The Realm of Bizzare
A giant jellyfish, Stygiomedusa gigantea, has been filmed in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s tentacles are 10 meters long and the bell is over half a meter wide. Check out the video below of this denizen of the deep. Hat tip to Deep Sea News.
by Captain Skellett | Jul 28, 2010 | The Realm of Bizzare
With tentacles up to 30 feet long and measuring three feet across the bell, this is a Lions Man Jellyfish. The tentacles are full of nematocysts, small cells that automatically sting when they come in contact with something. Last Wednesday, pieces of one of these...
by Captain Skellett | Jul 7, 2010 | Just for Fun, The Realm of Bizzare
A little bird (twitter) told me about some sweet new deep sea creatures, including jellyfish. You can see stunning pictures of them here on weird and wonderful Wired. When @lisushi tweeted the link, a song flooded through my head. This one goes out to everyone who has...