by Captain Skellett | Aug 3, 2011 | The Realm of Bizzare
I found this great post on the Portuguese man-o-war, known as the bluebottle in Australia, over at Deep Sea News the other day. It’s eating a fish! The post also said: Remember this species is colonial and made of four different polyps or zooids, working in...
by Captain Skellett | Jul 28, 2011 | Recent Research, Sex and Reproduction
In Lewis Carroll’s Through the looking-glass- a whacky book if I ever read one – the laws of physics don’t really apply. Hills can become valleys, straight can become curvy, and forward is really backward. In one scene, Alice chases after the Red...
by Captain Skellett | Oct 13, 2010 | Recent Research, Science Communication, Sex and Reproduction, The Realm of Bizzare
Ah, the elusive platypus. The water dwelling animal with fur, webbed feet and a beak. It may just be the strangest animal on the planet. Not only does it look weird, it’s poisonous, can sense electricity, lays eggs and secrete milk through their skin, and have...
by Captain Skellett | Feb 12, 2010 | Recent Research
The Devonian Period was a golden age for life in the ocean, in fact it’s called the Age of Fishes. First the jawless fish evolved but soon swimming around in a fishy way seemed pretty sweet and everyone was doing it. Fish with jaws emerged and were hardcore with...