These amazing sculptures are the creation of Nathalie Miebach, a visual exploration of scientific data collected at the Gulf of Maine.
Here’s a quote from her website: “Changing Waters” looks at the meteorological and oceanic interactions within the Gulf of Maine. Using data from NOAA and GOMOSS buoys within the Gulf of Maine, as well as weather stations along the coast, I am translating data that explores the seasonal variations of marine life by looking at the interactions of atmospheric and marine data…
…Elements of the rich New England fishing history are also included. This large-scale installation consists of a large wall installation (33 feet wide) that plots information through the geographic anchors of a map of the Gulf of Maine, as well as a series of large, hanging structures (10 feet high) that look at more specific biological, chemical or geophysical relationships between marine ecosystems and weather patterns.
The Changing Waters Exhibition is open from January 15th till September 25th 2011 at the Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton, MA, USA.
Hat tip from SaCrit