Christmas is coming up (freak out!) so here are some funky gift ideas for someone obsessed with bacteria, a microbiologist, pathologist, or anyone interested in science and medicine.
Giant Microbes make a crazy selection of bacteria, viruses and human cells in soft plushy goodness. I’m a sucker for teh cute and fluffies! They’ve just released six new products, including yoghurt, bird flu and this platelet cell.
Swine flu is also available which might be a good (or annoying) get well soon present. Nothing says “I care” like a big cuddly version of the virus making you feel like crap. They also have little ones packaged in a petri dish for some of the fancier viruses, like Hepatitis C and Tuberculosis.
Or how about a cheesy shirt, cap or cup from Cafe Press? Check out this bacteria-inspired wall clock.
Or a book about microbiology like this one I blogged about here. Small Wonders was written by a microbiologist, and is full of the amazing things bacterias do told with utmost humour. You can by it on Amazon.
Or a new lab coat with added sexy. Check out this one by buffalonerdproject OMG OMG OMG it has the SKULL AND CROSSBONES!
It’s only $50 US and you can buy it here. It’s pretty awesome. She also make a bacteria style tie called Mr. Euglena. SO cool! She combines science with sewing and has plenty of other unique creations.
I should totally jazz up my old lab coat pirate-style.
This Paramecium Felt Keychain is pretty amazing. The same etsy store makes magnets, brooches and all sorts. Check out this microscope and beaker magnet set while you’re there.
If you have any other ideas for Christmas gifts, post them in the comments.
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I LOVE giant microbes! They’re so soft and plushy…and mostly deadly.
Giant microbes are amazing. My significant other got me the E. coli for my birthday last year 😀 and a friend brought me a T4 phage in camden market. I’m getting quite a little collection.
As for recommendations? Simply this: . There is NO WAY that shirt is not awesome…I’ve been trying to find an excuse to buy one for myself for ages…