I’m pleased to announce the new layout and design of me blog. For all you people who RSS me, click through and check it out. It’s very sexy, if I do say so myself… I must confess a secret desire to marry the Twitter icon to the right and have feathery babies with it. Massive shoutout to Dream Labs for the fantastic design, if you need a facelift for your own site, give them a holler because they are great to deal with, plus if you’re a blogger they have plenty of WordPress know-how.
We launched the new design to coincide with the ASC (Australian Science Communicators) event last night about science blogging, I spoke on the panel with four other bloggers. The event was great, very piratey, good fun, and Animal Penises came up more than once. Unfortunately there were SO many things we didn’t get to cover which would have been great to talk about. Anyway, more on that later.
If you come across any glitches / weird things in the blog, post a comment below so we can fix ’em.
Its purty! I love it
Very nice! You should include some little ninjas taking over the pirate ship, though.
OMG LOVE IT! it looks all swish and professional. Great work, I’ll yell if I see anything wierd, but it all looks great right now 🙂
Awesome new site. Keep up the great work.
I wholeheartedly endorse this event or product. Also, hi from the internet.
TT: I’d think you were spam if I didn’t recognise your name! Hi from the exiting world of online media!
Looks great, very slick and professional, though at first pass I thought the RSS feed was on the toilet…