Today be an auspicious occasion. ‘Tis the first birthday of me blog! A year ago today the first post hit the internet. Since then, A Schooner of Science has grown. With 141 posts, 100 visitors daily and a mere 4 comments away from the 300 mark, the blog is going strong and there’s no sign of it slowing.
I’d like to thank you, my cherished readers. Some of you I know have been reading for the whole time, some have just recently climbed on board. I couldn’t and wouldn’t do it without you, and I hope you enjoy reading me words as much as I enjoy writing them.
With that, I’d like to open the floor to you. I’d like to know more about you, dear reader. Tell me whence you came, tell me what you do, tell me your loves and your hates, tell me how you came to be on board the schooner. The rest of this post is yours to complete, dear reader.
And the fourth person to comment will be the lucky 300th! If that ain’t cause to comment I don’t know what is!
Congrats Babe,
I am very proud that you have managed to keep blogging all this time.
Keep it up