by Captain Skellett | Nov 8, 2010 | How Things Work, Recent Research, The Realm of Bizzare
Imagine if instead of having sensor lights to illuminate a garden path, you could line it with light-emitting plants. You could stroll along bio-luminescent flower beds, dancing in dappled moonlight and delighting in eerily lit peace, free from the shackles of...
by Captain Skellett | Oct 25, 2010 | The Realm of Bizzare
It was a brisk April morning in 1940, and George was in a fix. In his hands were two Nobel Prizes illegally smuggled from Germany, while outside the lab Nazi’s swarmed the streets of Copenhagen. Denmark was now occupied by the Germans, and it was only a matter...
by Captain Skellett | Oct 13, 2010 | Recent Research, Science Communication, Sex and Reproduction, The Realm of Bizzare
Ah, the elusive platypus. The water dwelling animal with fur, webbed feet and a beak. It may just be the strangest animal on the planet. Not only does it look weird, it’s poisonous, can sense electricity, lays eggs and secrete milk through their skin, and have...
by Captain Skellett | Aug 27, 2010 | Drugs, Poisons, Sex and Reproduction, The Realm of Bizzare, Unethics
On August 15, 1951 a small town in southern France called Pont-Saint-Esprit briefly entered the twilight zone. Hundreds of people reported acute psychotic episodes and physical symptoms such as nausea. They experienced traumatic hallucinations, and 50 of those...
by Captain Skellett | Aug 15, 2010 | The Realm of Bizzare
Well it don’t happen every day. The BBC reported last week that a Massachusetts man was rushed to hospital with a collapsed lung. X-rays revealed that a 1.25 centimeter pea plant had sprouted inside his lung. He’d been battling emphysema for months,...
by Captain Skellett | Jul 28, 2010 | The Realm of Bizzare
With tentacles up to 30 feet long and measuring three feet across the bell, this is a Lions Man Jellyfish. The tentacles are full of nematocysts, small cells that automatically sting when they come in contact with something. Last Wednesday, pieces of one of these...